清 如南山之寿寿山石章天津文博院

高11厘米 宽8厘米
该章高11厘米,宽8厘米,为私印,石质纯净细润。该南山之寿寿山石章章体随形而刻,浮雕、浅浮雕技巧并用,雕刻有仙山楼阁、祥云、灵芝、仙鹤、神道人物等祥瑞图案,工艺高超,并在章身刻“紫气东来”、“瑶池得瑞”、“鹿衔灵芝倚南山”、“倬彼云汉 介尔景福”等吉祥语,将文字、纹饰与天然石料巧妙地融为一体,栩栩如生,是难得的寿山石雕作品。
Rock-shaped Shoushan stone seal with depictions of landscape and figures
Qing dynasty(1644-1911)
Height 11cm, Width 8cm

This seal is smooth and plain in both colour and texture. The body of the seal is carved with auspicious images of pagodas and pavilions on a mountain of the immortals, auspicious clouds, numinous fungi, immortal cranes and divine Daoist figures. The body of the seal is carved with auspicious phrases such as “purple clouds coming from the east”. The base of the seal is inscribed with five characters in a relief engraving, which read “longevity equal to the southern mountains”. This inscriptions’s blessing of longevity corresponds with the decoration on the body of the seal. This highly accomplished piece combines both high and light relief sculpture. It is a rare example of fine Shoushan stone carving.

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