明 釉里红松竹梅纹罐天津文博院

高54厘米 口径27厘米 底径24厘米
Underglaze red guan jar with pine, bamboo and plum design
Ming dynasty, Hongwu period(1368-1398)
Height 54cm, Diameter of rim 27cm, Diameter of base 24cm

This piece is simply and solidly modelled. Copper red pigments are used in the decoration. The rim and shoulders are decorated with designs of auspicious hanging clouds, stylised lotus petals and interwoven branches. The body is painted with pines, bamboos and plum branches, complemented by the addition of porous rocks and plantain leaves. The neck is decorated with two sections of stylised lotus petal designs. The decoration has a prominent main subject, and is complex without becoming chaotic. Evergreen pines and bamboos, and the hardy plum blossoms were respectfully known by Chinese literati as The Three Friends of Winter, and were symbolic of a liberated mind. The monumental size and bright red colour of this jar make it a highly rare and valuable work.

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