五代 越窑青釉合九文碗天津文博院

高4.4厘米 口径12.6厘米 底径6.3厘米
Celadon hejiu bowl, Yue ware
Five dynasties period(907-960)
Height 4.4cm, Diameter of rim 12.6cm, Diameter of base 6.3cm

The whole body of this piece is decorated with a celadon glaze with flashed of green. This bowl is very similar to the mise(secret colour) porcelains excavated at the Fufeng Famen temple in Shaanxi Province. Two characters, “he jiu”, are incised into the centre of the bowl. These may be either a homophone for drinking wine or refer to this piece being part of a set of nine wares, although a definitive reading requires further research. There are four marks from supporting prongs on the lower interior and the ring foot of the bowl. The marks show that this piece was fired in a stack separated by supportive prongs inside the kiln. There are also small bubbles and sand grain marks at the centre of the interior of the bowl. This Yue ware bowl is an irreplaceable and treasured porcelain artwork.

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